Emotional Intelligence for Educators (EQ Educator - EQE)

EQ Educator (Level 1,2,3) is a program aimed at helping educators improve their own emotional intelligence quotient and bring social and emotional learning to their classrooms and schools.


Guide en cinq étapes pour

Emotional Intelligence for Educators (EQ Educator - EQE)

Vue d'ensemble

Emotional Intelligence for Educators (EQ Educator - EQE) "Welcome to the Emotional Intelligence Educator Program" - July Urrutia

Cinq étapes

Qui? Quelqu'un qui...

Liste de contrôle des ressources


EQ Educator Program is an online course composed of 3 levels with a total of 35 hours (8 hours for level 1, 12 hours for level 2, 15 hours for level 3). Each level involves 2 online group classes of 2 hours each, pre-work, post-work and independent online learning.

EQ EDUCATOR LEVEL 1 will take place on the following dates:

October 2024 session: 8 and 15, 18.00 - 20.00 Spain Time

EQ EDUCATOR LEVEL 2 will take place on the following dates:

November 2024 session: 2 and 12, 18.00 - 20.00 Spain Time

EQ EDUCATOR LEVEL 3 will take place on the following dates:

December 2024 session: 3 and 10, 18.00 - 20.00 Spain Time

Once your interest is received, our staff will provide you with the registration link.

If there is a date that does not coincide with your calendar, contact us and let's schedule together at your best time.

One week before the start of your first class, you will receive a welcome email from your facilitator with the pre-work you need to complete.

Please, it is necessary to attend the 2 group classes of 2 hours each and develop the preparation work in advance (pre - work)

At the end of the second group session you will receive a post-work assignment that will be approved by your facilitator.

!! Congratulations!! As soon as you complete each level, you will receive a certificate of attendance and at the end of level 3 your badge as a Six Seconds EQ Educator.
